In a display of age discrimination in this supposedly youth-friendly election, Delaware Valley School Board Director John Kupillas writes the following (Pike Dispatch, 10/16/08) about a nineteen year-old candidate for the board, Ryan Balton:
“Can a teenager fresh out of high school connect to the residents served by this board? Maybe in the future, but not at this point. The section of the brain responsible for decision making and rational thinking doesn’t fully mature until the mid-twenties. Proof? Try to get auto insurance if you are a teen. The risk is the highest of any age group.”
The above commentary comes in the midst of community concern over recent appointments to the Delaware Valley School Board. Mobilize.org sincerely hopes that this situation can be resolved in accordance with the district policies and in the spirit of transparency.
As an organization dedicated to the Millennial Generation, we are disheartened to hear public officials dismiss the intellectual capacity and talent of members of our own generation, especially when these members take active steps to be a part of the political process.
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