Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Polling places lack resources, civil rights group says

"Polling places in six battleground states, including many with large minority populations, could be overwhelmed on Election Day because officials have not allocated enough voting stations, machines and poll workers, a study released Thursday by a civil rights group warns..."

For the rest of the article

My comment

Even before the economic crisis that the United States is facing, the election process in this democracy has received too little investment and inadequate oversight and accountability. The shortage of poll workers, machines and voting stations, are a clear example of how the financial resources dedicated to democracy are not being well managed. As part of the Millennial generation, and as a supporter of the Democracy 2.0 declaration, I honestly believe that we need to increase civic currency in order to guarantee the public's support for full investment in the electoral process. When that happens we will see democratic government at the local, state and national levels that is more responsive to the economic needs of the people and protects the long-term interests of the whole economy from Wall Street to Main Street.

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